CHRISTMAS OFFERS: -15% with code NOEL15
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    Welcome to our loyalty program

    Become a member of Maylie & Vous today and gain many benefits.
    It's simple and free !
    Log in or create an account to automatically earn 60 points!

    Old client new customer

    How it works ?

    Create an account

    Earn points

    Get rewards


      How to earn points ?

      1€ spent on the site
      + 10 points

      Creating an account
      + 60 points

      Birthday every year
      + 75 points

      Sponsor your loved ones
      + 300 points

      Share on Facebook
      + 30 points


      300 points earned

      15% off

      For you
      when your godchild places their first order
      For godchild
      when placing your first order on the site

      Don't wait any longer, join our loyalty program!